Thursday, June 01, 2006

No More Sassy

R is right, Sassy Teahouse in Redmond is no more. The message on their website simply says they've closed and thanks everyone who was a patron. It always makes me wonder what happened when a business that seems successful closes without explanation. Was this just a hobby business and the owner got bored? Was the business not successful enough to cover high rents or other high costs? Was there some personal problem? Did they lose their lease? Unique places like that one are few and far between in our world of Starbucks, Safeway, and The Gap. Luckily Redmond-area residents still have Victor's to fall back on when they want something a little less ordinary. Victor's is, by no means, the same kind of fancy little tea shop, but at least they do not have that same same cookie cutter feel of one of the chains. Why do so many people prefer the totally consistent and totally boring to the more unique and unusual? I guess it's all about pleasing the largest number of people which often means appealing to the lowest common denominator.


Anonymous said...

Depending on what your looking for, there's a little shop in downtown Snohomish called Everything Tea (, and a restaurant called Mrs. Pennycooke's Tea Room across the street that's really nice. Nothing close to the atmosphere of what the pictures hint of for Sassy, but I would recommend both places none-the-less.

Wingnut said...

There's also The British Pantry just a few blocks away from where Sassy used to be. Never been there myself for tea.

Joy to the World said...

I really have to get up to this shop in Snohomish. I'v heard many good things.

Joy to the World said...

The British pantry is a great place to buy things, but the food there is, um, not so good.