Thursday, March 18, 2010

Baby Shower

Not long ago, three lovely ladies did something quite wonderful for us. They threw us the perfect baby shower. It was a sunny afternoon, and the cherry blossoms made a stunning backdrop for a tea party in pink and white. All sorts of delicious dainties surrounded the cunning "pram" cake on the table, and there even proper tea cups to go with two different pots of tea.

It was a small enough group, just the real friends and family, that I got to chat with everybody. I'm glad there are so many people willing to indulge in my endless need for baby conversation, and I collected much good advice. We were lucky enough to have two babies who kept the adorable factor very high, two younger kids to keep things zany, and two older kids to show the rest how it should be done.

I know I have a tendency to gush, but this really was one of those "golden" moments I won't soon forget. Thank you to all the guests for the sweetest gifts and the nicest company. Thanks to M and the other men who didn't turn a hair at the idea of a couples' shower. Thanks most particularly to the hostesses who made the whole day possible.

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