Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Delphinium thinks the snow is all very well and good (we are on day three) but she does not much care for the dressing required to actually get outside.  The first layer of thermal onsie is fine, and she cheerfully pushes her fists through the little sleeves.  Mom does the snapping, and voila! the first layer is done!  Then comes the full body sleeper suit, and again the baby is pretty helpful about sleeves and feet and snaps and all.  However by the time we get to the pants and sweater, she is really not feeling so good about things. 

All that finally accomplished, you would think that any normal mom and dad would call it good, but not poor Delphinium's parents.  They make her put on a huge coat on top of it all, and by the time she's squeezing into the 8th sleeve, this baby has really had enough.  Luckily, that's about the time that we actually go outside, and the view of the world turned completely white is so arresting that our little girl forgets why she was annoyed. 

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