Wednesday, March 16, 2011

When I Grow Up

The other day Delphinium and I were waiting in line, and we got to pass the time by listening to a three or four year old boy chatting with his mother.  Actually I should probably have said chatting AT his mother because he was going a million miles an hour with barely a chance for her to slip in a word.  Among many other topics, he told her all about his future career plans, and it seems that he would like to be a hair dresser/pilot/snowman/teacher/backhoe driver/chef/dentist.  I kid you not, he went through the entire list in about two minutes (and no I do not have any idea how you can be a snowman). 

Remember when you used to wonder how you would turn out?  It was such a thrill to imagine the possibilities of grown up responsibility.  Younger Niece said she wanted to be a waitress for the longest time (maybe just to get her dad's goat?) and Elder Niece was fully intending to be a pilot and tiger vet.  My mom used to have a drawing by me at three where I pictured myself as  a ballet dancing farmer.  Somehow that particular dream just never came to pass.  Sigh.  If you were to ask Delphinium right now what she wants to be she might tell you she wanted to be a kitty rancher.  Who knows.

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