Wednesday, October 19, 2011

School Search Part 4

Well this will certainly not be a very long post.  Schools number six and seven were nothing to write home about.  Okay nothing GOOD to write home about.  The first was an old place with an ancient director, and I'm sure it was lovely once upon a time.  Like perhaps in 1987 when it was last updated.  It was tired, grubby, and outdated, and the people who worked there looked like they were completely uninspired.  The oddest part about it all was the price.  This was the most expensive school we've seen so far.

The last school of the day was also the best deal of the whole week.  For only $1000 (har!) they will watch your child for ten hours per day (as limited by law) five days per week.  They will feed your child three meals and three snacks, put him or her down for naps, change diapers, arrange hair cuts, and in every other way take over the job of parenting for you.  In fact, you only need be responsible for getting them there in the morning, and putting them into bed at night.  Some people actually want that situation, but most are probably forced into it by circumstance.  Either way, it's pretty sad for the kid. 

The facility was open, airy, and even clean, but I still do not want to send my girl to a place that specializes in warehousing kids.  Also the teacher yelled across the room at one child, and that was when she knew we were there listening.  Can you imagine what she would be like when there was no one around but the kids?  Thus far we are not overly impressed with the schools on offer.  Only one seems like a real prospect to me.  It shouldn't be this hard to find quality care. 

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