Thursday, October 05, 2006

Big Tv

Imagine this: M and I are in Costco, and we are standing in the electronics department in front of a really big TV. There are other men surrounding the TV as well. I can't actually see the drool (thankfully) but I get the feeling that it may be there. I say "well it's your money, but do we really NEED a new TV?" he turns away from the massive screen "we don't NEED one, but look at that picture. Listen to that sound!" He's clearly hooked.

We don't actually buy a new TV on that day, but it does get him started on the hunt. Every once in a while we head into an electronics store to see how their merchandise compares. We look at all different types and all different sizes. It turns out that TV's range in price from about $90 (the kind I foolishly thought was good enough for my apartment) to the price of a small car. Fortunately for me I do not have one of the most classic TV purchasing struggles. M is a sensible man and does not even look at the massive 50-inch-and-up models. We wander the aisles, dodge scary and hyper-intense salesmen, and try to tell which one is best.

We end up back at Costco (nearly salesman free!) and finally buy our very own BIG TV. I have to admit that I am now quite addicted to the sharp picture and the movie-like sound, so I can't complain too much about the purchase. However, I did laugh the last time I was in Costco and I heard a couple talking. Him: Look at that picture! Her: Honey, our old TV is still perfectly good...


Anonymous said...

I have a TV that cost $90 about 6 years ago. It's really bad. I suspect I need to go to costco too. Never been there yet.... where is it ;-)

Wingnut said...

I haven't needed to buy a TV in years. I just accept hand-me-downs from friends who upgraded theirs!

Deborah said...

Congrats on your new BIG TV.

My TV is at least 10 years old - complete with greenish viewing corner. Mark even soldered the cable connection so the picture would stay on continuously...

Needless to say, we've been shopping for a replacement. Do you recommend your brand?