Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Status Report

The brief run-down of my tiny life in no particular order:

1. M --- Great! He's still the nicest one around.

2. Health --- Good! No complaints here.

3. Wedding --- All in hand as far as I can tell. Still some things to take care of, but I think we're on track. See item #1 :)

4. House --- Not exactly perfect, but nothing to terrible pressing in on me.

5. Friends --- Lovely! Did I mention that my fabulous friend C took me to Vegas this weekend? (more on that another time)

6. Family --- All well and happy as near as I can tell.

7. 1000 other nice things --- All good.

8. Work --- Still bumpy. Kids are great, but some days the co-workers are pretty tough going.

The purpose of this little exercise is to remind me about all the wonderful/satisfying/exciting things going on. That last item is really only one small part of the whole, so I really should try to keep it all in perspective. Maybe this will help me to quit whining so much (ha! ha! I promise to try). Besides, only 16 more days, only 16 more days.

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