Thursday, April 27, 2006

So Glad It's Over!

Hooray! WOSL is over for this year! I am SO glad to see it done, but not nearly as glad as the kids. They are exhausted (I am too) by six tests in eight days. After the last two tests they were woozy and starving (writing for two hours straight will do that to you I guess) and more than a little punchy. I've learned from long experience about this, so I bought a huge box of Cheezits from Costco (I know, I know, but they're not that bad for you, and the kids LOVE them) and handed them out after the test. I used to give them treats before the test to take some of the sting out of the whole experience, but that is now banned by the state because treats might give my kids an unfair advantage over other, treatless, kids. On the whole, I was very proud of them this year. We all did the test through our homerooms, and my homeroom is comprised of kids who often struggle with school. They took the tests very seriously and worked long and hard on each one. Tomorrow, cookies and The Princess Bride (the best movie ever by the way). They've certainly earned it, and anyone who disagrees can just kiss my certificated bottom (if you kow what I mean).

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