Friday, November 23, 2007

Wedding Spending

I am starting to understand why the average American wedding costs $16k-$25k. That amount sounds completely insane for a one day party, but if you just bought everything that "they" suggest, things could get away from you very quickly. Everyone knows you need a dress, but then they also hit you up for shoes, veil, tiara, clips, garters, undergarments, crinolines, garment bag, and a gown preservation kit. You are still feeling light-headed from all the gown trying, that you may become weak and cave to it all.

At every turn, "they" try to tell you that you have to buy "one of these," and you have to buy the best one you can afford because this is the ONLY chance you will ever have to get one. Do you want to look back on your wedding and think "oh those cocktail napkins were so cheap and nasty! If only I'd splurged on the really good cocktail napkins then my day would have been perfect!" Actually, when I look back on my special day what I want AVOID is feeing like a chump. Contrary to popular belief (or at least what "they" are trying to sell) the lavishness of your wedding DOES NOT equate to the quality of your marriage.

1 comment:

SabraGirl said...

In fact, I've been told that the lavishness of your wedding might be inversely proportional to the length of your marriage. I think cocktail napkins from QFC would be dandy :-)