Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Planning to Kick the Bucket

No, no M and I do not plan on dying any time soon.  However, now that we have Delphinium we thought it would be prudent to have a will and such to cover the possibilities.  Thus we met with a lawyer and filled out a questionnaire about our "wishes" (hmmm, not to die?).  It was very odd to be thinking about funeral arrangements and bequests and trust funds, but it was worth it to know that everything would be okay for the kid.

Recently we went back to the lawyers office to sign and finalize the whole thing.  The two parts that made me chuckle were the repeated use of the word "testatrix" to describe me (M got "testator" which is not nearly as cool) and the reading of the official script.  That's right, in order for the testatrix to finalize her will, she must read OUT LOUD a statement of intent about this being the actual will and testament blah, blah, blah.  It was really hard not to laugh at that point, but I managed to remain dignified. 

At the end, I did have a weird moment of feeling like I was looking into the future.  Here we were, two young (ish) adults with our baby daughter, tying up our plans in the form of this will.  At some point down the line (hopefully a long time away) a grown Delphinium will probably sit in some similar conference room and unwind the very same document.  Strange thought, but I guess that's the way it's supposed to go. 

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