Thursday, December 02, 2010

Baby's First Cold

Our poor little girl started to get sick the day before Thanksgiving, but I didn't realize it in time and dragged her out to visit family.  Every day since I keep thinking "okay now she must be getting better" but so far this crud just hangs around.  We are now on day nine, and she is still snuffly and sad.  Nursing is not easy due to the congestion, and every morning her eyes are goopy.  Then there's the sleeping.  Actually what I mean to say is that there isn't much in the way of sleeping.  When her nose gets completely blocked she wakes up crying.  This happens about every one to two hours.  She tries to smile and play normally, sweet little thing, but she spends a lot of time leaning back on the pillows to rest.  I know she really isn't that sick, but it is hard to watch anyway.

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