Monday, January 31, 2011

Flying with Baby Six Months vs. Nine

I was completely floored by how well the baby did on our airplane flights to South Africa.  She slept for much of the trip, and when she was awake, she was cheerful and easily amused.  We got compliments from other passengers.  That was at six months old.  Now that we are nine months, things have changed. 

Our trip to LA was only just under three hours, but for that short time, it was much tougher to manage Delphinium.  She is so much stronger now that just keeping her in the seat and not on the other passengers was a challenge.  She wanted to explore and investigate EVERYTHING.  Can I chew the seat in front?  Can I kick it?  Can I take the things out of the back pocket?  Can I chew them?  Can I chew our seat?  What about the man next to us?  I can't say she wasn't good-natured because she was, but it was still far more exhausting.  I can understand why some parents just give up and let them run wild.  Maybe we can just drive everywhere until she's six or seven. 

1 comment:

Carrie said...

It's wonderful that she's so curious though!