Monday, April 28, 2008

Kids "Learn" About the Progressive Era

Hey it's a lighter post for once!

Last week, kids read the chapter of their WA state history book about the progressive era. They also took part in skits, debates, and other activities designed to help them get a sense of the issues. At the end of the week, you guessed it; they had to take a quiz about this information. Many did a fantastic job and made me very proud. Others struggled a bit, and some were clearly not paying attention at all. Here are some of the funnier answers:

Question #1: The _________________ movement was a push to make life better for many kinds of people. (Remember, this was the title of the chapter)
Funny answer: Prostitution (knowing this girl, she was NOT trying to be racy or funny)

Question #2: Prohibition was an attempt to outlaw the sale of ________________________
Funny answer: Flappers

Question #4: Part of the initiative system allowed voters to ________________ politicians who were unpopular.
Funny answer: hit

Question #5: The suffrage movement wanted to give women the right to _______________.
Funny answer: bare arms (sort of correct I guess)

Question #8: The _________________ World War was found in Europe.
Funny answer: really bad

Question #9: The government passed the ______________ Act which made it illegal to speak against the war.
Funny answer: Sedation

Question #14: Rivers helped to provide ____________ for the region by creating hydropower.
Funny answer: rivers

Question #15: The ______________ Dam in eastern WA was the largest hydropower project.
Funny answer: God (I think this kid WAS trying to be funny, but still they got no credit)

Don’t worry too much about the youth of America. Several kids even got perfect scores, so they can be the next generation of leaders. Or perhaps the kid who wrote “God” will one day be president.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

hehe, it's hilarious that your kids have prostitution and sedation on their minds, at the same time as God!