Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Future President

Recently, I asked my class to pretend that they'd just been elected president. Their assignment was to write a letter to the nation explaining one or more important changes they would make. Surprisingly, they took it much more seriously than usual. Many were concerned about the war in Iraq and another large portion were worried about the environment. On the whole, I was very impressed. However, there are always the goffballs and those just not paying attention. The following are some of the most memorable (usually because they're bad, but not always) lines from their work.

“A recent studied showed that when kids in France were asked to draw a picture of an American, many of them drew Ronald Mcdonald. This is not what I want people to think of our wonderful country.”

“As president of the USA I propos to band all types of non-purpos car racing.”

“Our biggest Concern is Zombie attack”

“Thank you for supporting me through a long fought battle of the Poles.”

“We need to pull troops out of Iraq and use the money to fund electric cars and also ban smoking.”

“Wasn’t the war supposed to end when Sudan Hoosane was killed?”

“Making peace is a good choice because we would get new items and have everlasting friendship”

“This could influence the choices when eating out in a negative way”

“Piece is so much better than war.”

“So no taxes at all in the U.S.A.”

“Taxes are a hand foll to deal with”

“..but peace is effortless…”

“Being prez doesn’t mean just laying around in the Whitehouse all day.”

“Did you know many Homeless kids cannot Apford happiness”

“Something must be done and I will make it happen.”

“My fellow Americans thank you from the bottom of my intestines for choosing me and ordinary man w/ extraordinary vision as your President of the United States.”

“…along with vice president Schwnizerger…”

“War is another issue. We fight so many wars that the Simpon’s talk about it.”

“We are America home of the brave, so don’t be afraid of change.”

“Again, I want to thank you all for electing me your president. Sorry for the convenience.”

“To increase learning, all school days will be shorter.”

“We need to go over and take what we need but, if they so “no” Then we just let it go for awhile and then to back and ask again.”

“Our government has come up with the latest technology called the fake wall… If some of the immigrants don’t fall for it and run right through it we have border patrol waiting for them.”

“Even after Sadam Husseins death a year ago, Sheight militans are still threating.”

“I am proposing to shut down all cigarette factories in the U.S… If you some how keep getting cigarettes, we could care less.”

“What kind of country sells their military jobs to other countries?”

“Our country is filled with the fattest of the fats”

“We can’t have a strong economy if every American job is being shipped to China! What if we, God forbid were to go to war with them? All of their supplies would be paid for with the money that came from the jobs we gave them.”

“Also, since I am president I am going to make chocolate milk the state drink.”

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