Tuesday, September 30, 2008

McCain on Downward Trend

Did you hear the one about McCain and David Letterman? He (McCain) was supposed to go on Letterman last week, but he called Letterman on the day of the taping to say that he was rushing to the airport so he could get back to D.C. to deal with the crisis. Letterman booked Keith Olbermann in his place. Later, Letterman was tipped off that McCain was not, in fact, in D.C., but was instead in the same building taping an interview with Katie Couric.

It seems McCain got invited to a "better" party, so he dumped his old commitments and lied about it. That's the sort of thing that middle school girls do to each other. How NOT very presidential of him! Letterman gave as good as he got. While interviewing Keith Olbermann (not exactly a McCain fan) he explained the situation and showed a live feed of McCain being made up for his Couric interview. You can just imagine the commentary. The latest polls show Obama up by 8%.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe this was after Palin said something that contradicted McCain. After having seen some of the footage of the interview and how Palin first looked to McCain after each question, I wouldn't be surprised if it was more like. [McCain] "Palin said what?! $#@%$@ I'm on my way. Don't let her say a thing to Couric until i get there!"