Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Student Government

Today was the day in our class when we choose the new ASB representatives. ASB stands for Associated Student Body, and it is a sort of student advisory board for our school. Each class sends two representatives, and they weigh in on issues that are important to kids. It's a nice way to make the kids feel included, and it really does help the administration understand what kids really want and need.

This morning I asked all the kids interested in running to stand up, one at a time, and explain why they would make a good representative. Mostly their reasoning was kind of dubious. For example, one kid stood up and said "I will plan to make school more funner and less educational." Another kid said "I am a good reader, so I will be good at this." In other words, they were not exactly inspiring speeches. Then came one real knucklehead, he explained, with great seriousness why he wanted to be our "USB rep." He was not kidding around, and none of the other kids noticed his mistake.

Lucky for all of us, one girl gave a very thoughtful speech about her qualifications for the job. She spoke about being organized, determined, and having good listening skills. My faith in the youth of our country is moderately restored. Lucky the other kids saw it this way too and elected her as representative #1. Oh yes, position #2? That went to USB kid.

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