Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happiness is...

Going out to Indian buffet lunch with a big family group. As the nan and samosas are being passed back and forth, to have Elder Niece decide that we need a more stimulating (to her) topic of conversation. What is one of Elder Nieces top favorite topics? Books! She directed each person to tell our top three favorite books (or series) of all time. We complained that this was too hard since there are so many good ones out there, but she would have none of it.

She picked Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, and The Lord of the Rings. I almost lost my composure (which would have horrified her) I was so delighted. I don't know if those are my favorites of all time, but they are certainly up there among my top picks. This must be what it is like for an evangelical Christian to hear their niece or nephew start spouting the bible. Of course, this virtually guarantees that my own children will be obsessed with sports or fishing or something of the sort.


Anonymous said...

if it makes you feel better, Simeon loves reading but is also obsessed with soccer.

Anonymous said...

How can she not have listed Iliad and the Odyssey???