Friday, April 22, 2011

One Year Doctor Visit

Driving into the parking lot of our pediatrician this morning I had a strong moment of recollection about bringing our tiny newborn to that very same place.  Memories of that time are so oddly shifted as if they took place underwater or I'm remembering them through a telescope.  Anyway, our little girl is certainly much bigger, noisier, and sturdier than she was at her first doctor's visit one year ago.  She is now 2'6" instead of 1'9" which is really quite shocking if you think about it.  Can you imagine if we all grew that much every year? 

Her weight is still only twenty pounds, so more than ever, she's our tall thin stringbean girl.  Her head size is still in the 5th percentile, but this does not worry me since growth is consistent, and her daddy is also in possession of a small bean.  Eyes, ears, nose, teeth, tum, and joints all get a clean bill of health, and her cognitive development is on target or beyond.  All in all, she's pretty much the perfect child.  Then again we already knew that :) 

Poor Delphinium did have to get three jabs on this visit.  It seems that twelve months is the time when they start a new series of vaccinations (since they finished the DTaP) that includes MMR and Hep A.  I am absolutely in favor of vaccinations to prevent much more terrible illness, but it is never fun to watch them stick your child with a needle.  I can't imagine the way some people purposely spread them out so that the child has to go through many more visits and many more jabs.  Much better to shed those tears, sniffle ourselves to sleep, and then nap off the effects for an afternoon.  Hopefully there will be no side-effects this time. 

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