Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baby Language: Thirteen months

I am having such a good time watching the baby grow up. She unfurls new leaves and stems so fast I'm afraid I may miss one. This is that stage of language development where I think she understands much more than she can communicate. I'm constantly discovering that she's trying to use a word, but I've been too dense to notice what she means. For instance, we were at music class the other day when she started saying something that sounded like "boo ooo". I thought she was noticing the owl on the wall, but when I turned around there was a balloon floating near the ceiling. Here's a list of her current vocabulary (or at least those words I can understand):

Mou mou (rhymes with cow) = Meow Meow = Kitty
Mama = Kitty or banana or me
Dada = The man himself (he doesn't even have to share!)
Fsh = Fish or shoes or cheese
Baa ooo = Balloon or bubbles
Baa baa = baby (I think)
Wow = wow (It's so stupendously cute because she makes her mouth into a very round "o")
Hi = Hi (usually accompanied by one of her patented two-handed waves)
Uh-oh = Something has been dropped

Then there are also a whole bunch of animal sounds, but since they are very inconsistent, I won't count them here. Yet. I have no idea if she's ahead, on target, or behind in her language skills, and I don't care. It seems to me that she's fabulous in every way. Now if I could just get a title to myself instead of having to share it with a fruit...


Raymond said...

I have not given up the quest to get A to return to calling me "爸爸" instead of "Daddy" (which she picked up from her cousins). It may be futile but I'm not going down without a fight.

Carrie said...

I'm trying to get her to say "Doggie!" or "Puppy!" :)