Monday, May 23, 2011

International Food Month: Indonesian

As many of you know, M. happens to be a really incredible maker of Indian curries.  I am not making this up. My favorite is his tomato paneer, but really, that man can do amazing things with curry spices and just about anything you might find in the crisper. That is why I hardly ever tinker with curry. Why dabble when you have a master to take care of business? Nevertheless, it was fun for me to try out an Indonesian curry recipe. There are a million variations on this recipe, but I just picked one at random (it's actually a chicken recipe where I swapped in tempeh) and it happened to be quite good. Tempeh is a fermented soy bean cake that is traditional to Indonesia. It is something of an acquired taste, but it has a mild, nutty flavor, and the texture is firm and satisfying. Making this dish reminds me that I want to use it more often. More on that in another post.

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