Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Political Success?

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not (John 1:5)

Thank goodness for the fact that the light has indeed begun to shine in the political darkness. We may not have made a sweep of the whole thing, but the situation is definitely improved. The jury is still out on the senate, but no matter which way it falls, it will be much more difficult for Republicans to simply ram their agenda home. Whether Bush really is comprending it not is now up for debate since Rumsfeld has resigned, but it will take some time before we really see how he responds to the change.

Races in the final two states are still undecided, but both counts had slight leaning in the left direction the last time I looked. Oh please! Oh please! Oh please! Retaking both the house and the senate would go far to lightening my political mood, and it's been crummy for SUCH a long time now.

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