Monday, January 01, 2007

2007 New Year's Resolutions Part 2

Happy New Year! Did you stay up late last night to count down the seconds? Or did you wake up this morning to a completely new year? Either way, let's hope that this is a good one for all. A recent study shows that most Americans thought 2006 was a pretty bad year for the country and the world (Iraq, global warming, Darfur, etc). However, it also showed that most people expect things to change for the better in 2007. It is my fervent wish that this would be true. Personally I've been pretty lucky in 2006. However, I wouldn't mind a really fantastic 2007 either.

As to resolutions, I've combined the U.S. government suggestions (the ones that apply to me anyway) with the sort of left overs from last year's list. I've also tried to be specific and concrete because that is supposed to help you actually keep your goals. Granted, there are a few that are a bit vague, but I will just have to do my best. In 2007 I resolve to:

1. Be fit by going to the gym (or outdoor exercise) at least twice and preferably three times a week.

2. Eat well by consuming no more than 10 grams of saturated fat per day (doctor’s plan).

3. Relax by distracting my brain when it latches onto a pointless worry and goes round and round and round and...

4. Go on a vacation (hey it was their idea, but I'm all for it!) for at least two weeks.

5. Give more to charity by choosing a new one every month.

6. Make more connections with people by really listening carefully to what they say. No glazing over just because the topic isn't my favorite.

7. Spend time every week on curriculum planning. Stay at least two weeks and preferably four weeks ahead of the kids. Do not allow the class to get behind schedule.

8. Create a better filing system for papers both at work and at home. Be more organized and proactive about papers so they don't create teetering piles of shame.

9. Be less judgmental and give people the benefit of the doubt more often (this is especially true at work).

10. Stop and think how lucky I am to have M, great friends and family, good health, a good job, and a comfortable (and electrified!) home.

Once again, happy new year everyone. I hope 2007 will bring you all the good things you've been looking for and more!

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